- CEO: Attention CEOCI PO Box 460072 Denver, CO 80246
- Food Pantry location 901 S. Monaco Parkway, Denver, CO 80224. Based on availability. Email us today.
- CEOCollaboration@gmail.com
- 970-584-7798
2023 Food Pantry Services. June to August 2023
Mobile Food Pantry Delivery

ER family in need text 970-584-7798
Denver, Colorado: Grace Temple Church 901 S. Monaco Parkway, Denver, CO 80224
We are focusing on mobile food pantry services for this project. Email our offices today. Based on availability.
Email: CEOFoodPantry@ChristExecutiveOfficer.org or text 970-584-7798 for more information.
Individuals and families located in Denver, Aurora, WheatRidge, and surrounding areas in need of equitable food sources. Due to the economic hardships we are able to service those in need.
If your homeless or in transition of housing email our offices for mobile delivery services based on availability.
Food Pantry Items include the following.
- Produce;
- Fresh Vegetables;
- Non perishable food items including breakfast, lunch, and dinner items;
- Homeless population will receive high valued items that are accommodating their time of transition. Granola bars, fruits, high sources of protein items and more.
- Disclaimer: Items all based on availability and subject to change but assured to be high valued food products.
Serving those directly impacted by COVID19 and the continued hardships of the pandemic. Contact our offices today.
Families and individuals directly impacted by COVID19 and continued hardships due from the pandemic. Contact our offices for more information. Those affected by COVID-19 such as ; seniors, those lacking mobility, people with underlying health conditions, those with disabilities, and families where a family member has contracted or come in contact with someone with the COVID-19 virus. Additionally, families that have inadequate access to food because of the COVID-19 Stay-At-Home orders, or loss of employment, or stable housing due to COVID-19 are eligible to be served.
Use the contact us link on this webpage;
Email: Ceo.Correspondence@gmail.com. Subject title: EMERGENCY FOOD RELIEF PROGRAM DENVER RESIDENT
Contact: 970-584-7798.
This program is based on emergency food relief based on first come first serve. This program ends 12/31/21 or until supplies last.
This particular emergency food relief program is only for residents of Denver, Colorado and directly affected by COVID19 pandemic.
Our offices recommend contacting your local community representatives and business entities for other resources based on your specific need and location.
Contact our offices for specifics. Due to the ongoing need if you contact our offices and there is still resources available we will be able to reserve a food box or have a food box delivered within 24 to 48 hours of your initial request.
We want to express based on urgent need for essential food boxes supplies are limited and expected to run out prior to the end date of 12/31/21.
This program expires 12/31/21 or until resources are available. For example if all equitable food boxes run out before 12/31/21 then this program will end once resources end.
Contact our offices for more information to see if your eligible.

Thanks for your support
Donations consisting of clothing items, non perishable items, or gift cards contact our offices at CEOCollaboration@gmail.com and a representative will contact you (not all items are guaranteed to be accepted). You can also donate by sending checks payable to Christ Executive Officer P.O. Box 473285, Aurora, CO 80047. Thanks for your support.
By clicking the link above “CEOCO.CO Collaboration Letter” you can view the document and forward to your local businesses and community to join this initiative while practicing social distancing. This service is all virtual to provide more eco friendly and healthy options.
Stand with us by informing your local businesses to collaborate with this initiative.
Thanks for your support.
access to healthy food
The overwhelming need to provide healthy meal equity to local communities is key for a successful and thriving individual, family, community, and local businesses.
All of our programs encourage the awareness and accessibility of healthy nutritional food resources.
Through continued strategic collaboration initiatives we are dedicated to the social wellbeing of our local communities one family at a time.
Knowledge holds many keys to success. Realizing the importance of maintaining a healthy eating regimen is essential in avoiding health complications.
Your voice is the catalyst for change. Colorado and our great nation is facing unheard of levels of food shortages and scarcity for areas of economic status and under privileged communities. We encourage you to inform your local state representatives to continue to push for food equity initiatives throughout your community.
Contact our offices for more information on effective ways to start a food outreach in your community. Courses and workshops are scheduled annually. Due to COVID19 stay connected for upcoming events.
Click the link below to be directed to your local legislator.
Our offices are dedicated to the feeding of the youth of Colorado. We offer nutritional meals for youth in need.
We have worked with local schools, after school youth feeding programs, non profit organizations, and local businesses to address the food hunger issues facing the youth of our communities.
For more information contact our offices today and we will provide you weekly mobile food outreaches and free youth nutritional meal boxs available only for denver residents at the current time.

currently serving denver, colorado location for youth nutritional food boxs
emergency food box
We are working to assist those in need during these difficult times. If your family or individual is in need of essential food items email YOAMOBI@GMAIL.COM with your contact information, number in household, and areas located. KEY: SUBJECT OF THE EMAIL MUST STATE ER FOOD BOX 2021 to be routed to correct department.
These food boxs will consist of healthy and nutritional food to assist those in need.
ceoci.co news media project
Committed to bringing authentic, educational, inspiring, informative, and transformational media projects to our community.
Stay connected as we continue to utilize our unique ability to provide innovative business models and creation to our target audiences.
upcoming projects
A variety of sustainable programs geared to assist in ending homelessness. From documentaries to new business models the homeless population will have access to resources to overcome their current economic status and well being.
We are committed to develop strategic collaboration with our local communities on the essential resources required for the homeless population, those economically faced with hardship as a direct result of the COVID19 pandemic, and other financial set backs due to unseen and unpreventable life changing events.
We are currently building our social media platforms such as Instagram: CEOCI.CO and Youtube Channel to allow our audience to be informed of resources and news within our local community.
Our goal is to ensure that the state’s diverse and underrepresented communities are receiving accurate, localized, and actionable information on the continuously evolving COVID-19 public health and economic crisis.

upcoming projects 2021-2022

impact areas of collaboration
essential shelter
Collaboration of hotels, shelters, housing facilities engineered to provide immediate housing for those directly facing homelessness and devastation as a direct result of COVID-19. Based on availability.
essential food items
Collaboration of essential food items through a network of restaurants, food pantries, and feeding organizations engineered to provide immediate nutrition for those directly facing homelessness and devastation as a direct result of COVID-19. Based on availability.
essential clothing
Collaboration of business entities from retail stores, clothing banks, and entities engineered to provide immediate nutrition for those directly facing homelessness and devastation as a direct result of COVID-19. Based on availability.
impact areas of collaboration
Essential resource MODULE
Collaboration of a networking module engineered to provide immediate access to available resources for those directly facing homelessness and devastation as a direct result of COVID-19. For emergencies contact 911.
Collaboration of local mechanics and automobile shots engineered to provide reasonable services for those directly facing homelessness and devastation as a direct result of COVID-19. Available first come first serve. Based on severity of urgency due to COVID-19 pandemic. Repairs are allowable up to $1,000 with proof of hardship.
Essential transportation RESOURCES
Collaboration of networking engineered to provide bus vouchers, delivery services, and urgent need for transportation. Based on availability.
impact areas of collaboration
essential business OPPORTUNITY
Collaboration of businesses and entrepreneurs to provide immediate access to business design, model, and social media business packages for those directly facing homelessness and devastation as a direct result of COVID-19. 4 week courses that will allow business establishment and necessary document filings along with social media kit including webpage creation, social media platforms, and other areas to allow a sustainable business model for a higher probability of success to overcome your current financial hardship. Based on availability. Requirement to take on line course of completion and eligibility requirements.
Essential encouragement portal
Collaboration of positive messages of home, love, encouragement, prayer, and positive messages engineered to bring hope for those directly facing homelessness and devastation as a direct result of COVID-19. 24/7/ portal of messages to uploaded to Colorado Unity YouTube channel.
Essential Job opportunities
Collaboration of job force employment, temporary employment, consulting job opportunities, and other areas of employment engineered to provide jobs to those unemployed seeking employment. Based on availability.
join the collaboration
areas to help
- prayer
- promote on social media
- donate any items under donate section
- upload a link of positive message on our YouTube channel. Based on approval
- collaborate in your community
- volunteer your business or church to prepare essential food items to be distributed in your local community
essential items list of donations
essential items request list
collaboration engineered with purpose
thanks to our growing collaboration network. currently being updated
About Us.
Christ Executive Officer Inc.
We are a non profit 501 (C) (3) community-based organization focused on helping make the world around us a better, happier place.
Our great nation must UNITE in efforts to flourish into the next century. Colorado is a thriving and leading state in our great nation. Colorado is the place of residency for our efforts to be established.
Mission statement – Establishing strong communities throughout the United State of America one family at a time while utilizing innovative business models, design, structure, and innovation.

specific mission
colorado collaboration initiative
As Coloradans we are dedicated to stand in agreement on the ability each one of us have to assist during this great time of essential need in our beautiful state.
Let us unite with efforts in one accord to assist in a collaboration effort that not only will demonstrate resilience but our commitment to assist those who have been disproportionately affected by COVID19 and are suffering from homelessness particularly due to race and or socioeconomic status.
May God be gracious to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, Selah Psalm 80:3 Restore us, O God, and cause Your face to shine upon us, that we may be saved. Psalm 80:7
Colorado will be a flagship model of effective collaboration for the future growth and success of our residents, economy, and those visiting our beautiful state.
Thanks for your support.